* Emergency Maintenance |
Fire and Police: 911 Cathcart Property Management (Management of Condominium ): 434-296-1800 After Hours Maintenance Emergency (Common Areas or Fire, Flood, life threatening issues): 434-972-1968 Upscale Security LLC (for Noise Complaints or Disorderly People) 434-220-4577 Monday - Friday during office hours
or 434-996-9564 After Hours
IF AN EMERGENCY OCCURS RELATED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL RESIDENCE, PLEASE CALL THE APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY (FOR EXAMPLE: 911) AND THEN CALL YOUR LANDLORD/PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMPANY. In the event of a Life Threatening Emergency which takes place in the common area of the Condominium Community, (i.e. hallways, outside breezeways, pool, and any common space which is enjoyed by any and all residents) please call 911. In addition to 911, please call the management office at 434-296-1800 (Cathcart Property Management) during regular business hours (8:30A-5:00P) so that we will be alerted to the situation and can respond accordingly. If the emergency occurs after 5PM, please call the After Hours Maintenance Emergency line 434-972-1968. This number should be used for afterhours maintenance related items within the Common areas (i.e. Fire, Smoke, Flood, and any life threatening event). This number should not be called for your individual residence’s maintenance related items. Security Issues: If you are experiencing a security related issue, please call 911. If you are experiencing loud neighbors or inappropriate behavior which may not constitute a 911 emergency you may call Upscale Security, LLC at (434) 220-4577 during office hours or 434-996-9564 after hours. **************** Emergencies include, but are not limited to: Burst plumbing or flowing water
Sewer back up Heavy rainwater leak Security problems (broken common area lock, broken common area doors Smell of gas Anything with the potential to cause damage or harm Non-emergencies should be called into the Management Office at 434-296-1800. Cathcart Property Management will write up "work order tickets" for non emergency items and have service personnel respond during normal business hours M-F 8:30A.M.--5:00 P.M. Some of the typical items which management receives calls about are but not limited to: